Trekking to Lenin Peak Base Camp  - Across Kozho-Kelen village
Trekking to Lenin Peak Base Camp

Across Kozho-Kelen village

Trekking to Lenin Peak Base Camp
(Across Kozho-Kelen village)

Your journey will begin in the ancient Osh city, in the south of Kyrgyzstan. From there you will go to the Kichik-Alai Valley. On the route, you will visit several villages where the lifestyle of the local population has remained virtually unchanged for centuries.

Kozho-Kelen village is a natural ethnographic complex with amazing nature and natural grottoes. It is located in the wide valley of the Dzhiptyk River, the left tributary of the Ak-Buura River. In the upper reaches of the village, on the left bank of the river, there are orange-colored rocks. At the very beginning of the cliffs is the Kojo-Kelen Cave, or rather, the Holy Grotto. This place is considered to be holy. Pilgrims come to it to pay tribute to their gods and take a bath in the Holy Grotto.

The village itself is very interesting. The life of local people is without any special novelty. There are still water mills and natural farming. Houses made of red clay fit into the landscape, as if they are an integral part of nature.

There is a view of the Alay valley and the majestic Pamir from the Dzhiptyk Pass (4,175 m). In good weather you can see such seventhousanders as Peak Lenin, Communism and Korzhenevskaya peaks, as well as Peak Kurumda.

At the end of the program we move to the base camp at 3,600 meters. In the base camp you will see the life of climbers who are preparing to conquer the seven thousand meters peak. You can climb Peak Petrovsky and the Travelers Pass with a guide.

Available dates

  • 23.06-27.06.24 | 10 places Book
  • 01.07-05.07.24 | 10 places Book
  • 10.07-14.07.24 | 10 places Book
  • 29.07-02.08.24 | 10 places Book
  • 05.08-09.08.24 | 10 places Book
  • Individual dates are also available. Contact the program manager.

Trip details

Intensity Level 3
Season Summer
Begins in Bishkek
Ends in Bishkek
Airport Airport Manas (FRU)
Airport out Airport Manas (FRU)
Wildlife Mountain goats, Marmots, Birds, Predator birds, Rodents, Yaks, Hares

Price: $ 2,100 (≥ 6 people)

Great for Families Couples Individuals

Trekking to Lenin Peak Base Camp across Kozho-Kelen village. In good weather, you will have views of the famous seventhousanders: Lenin Peak 7134m, Peak Communism 7495m, Peak Korzhenevskaya 7105m. During this trip you will visit the base camp and see how climbers are preparing to climb Lenin Peak. Adventure trip along the Alai Valley is not only mountain crossings, but also acquaintance with the life of local people, their traditions and way of life in difficult high-mountainous areas.

What's Included:

  • Meetings/seeing off at the airport
  • Accommodation in 3 * hotels according to the program (double)
  • Accommodation in guest houses
  • Accommodation in a family in Kozho-Kelen village
  • Accommodation in the base camp under Peak Lenin
  • Trekking tents for the trekking period
  • Three meals a day throughout the program, including trekking days
  • Transport and vehicle support for the entire program
  • Guide
  • Entrance tickets for excursions according to the program
  • Border passes
  • Ticket on Osh-Bishkek flight

What's not included:

  • International flight to Bishkek and back
  • Gear rental
  • Single supplement
  • Cost of visa and consular services (for Russian citizens a passport is not required)
  • Personal expenses in a hotel: bar, international calls, etc.
  • Insurance
  • Fee for excess baggage
  • Any changes to the program

Arrival in Bishkek. Meeting at Manas airport (40 km from Bishkek). Transfer to the hotel, accommodation. After the rest, Bishkek city tour. You will get acquainted with the uncomplicated architecture of the city, visit Ala-Too Square, which provides a magnificent view of the snowy peaks of the Kyrgyz Range.


Transfer from Bishkek to Osh (about 700 km). You will go along the main Kyrgyz Highway connecting the two capitals. The road passes through the Kyrgyz Range and impresses with its diversity. There is a magnificent view of the Suusamyr Valley from the Tyuya-Ashuu Pass (3,586 m). Overnight in a guest house in the Chichkan Gorge, 260 kilometers away from Bishkek.


Today we will continue our journey to Osh. The change of landscapes is amazing. On the way we will visit Uzgen town, the ancient capital of the Karakhanid State. Arrival in Osh. Accommodation in the guest house.


Transfer to Kichik-Alai (120 km). Stop on the outskirts of the small village of Kapala, where we organize a tent camp. Preparing for the trekking. Overnight stay.


Trekking over the Kosh-Moinok Pass (3,225 m) to Kozho-Kelen village. There is a view of the Kichik-Alai Range from the pass. Descent to the valley of Sary-Bel, where you can see the summer dwellings of nomads. The continuation of the trekking. Ascent to the Sary-Bel Pass (3,137 m). Descent to the Kozhokelen Valley. On the way, visit to the small summer village of shepherds. Continuation of the descent into the valley of red rocks and Kozho-Kelen waterfalls. Accommodation in the house of local residents. Overnight.


After breakfast - visit to the Holy Grotto. This place is considered to be holy. Pilgrims come here to pay tribute to their gods and bathe in the Holy Grotto. Walk through Kozho-Kelen village. Acquaintance with the life of local residents. In the village you will plunge into the life of beginning of the 20th century. There are still water mills and natural farming. Houses made of red clay fit into the landscape, as if they were an integral part of nature. Overnight in the house of local residents.


Trekking to the Dzhiptyk Pass along the river of the same name. On the way, you can meet yaks grazing on pastures. Stop for the night. Setting up a camp at an altitude of about 3,350 meters.


Trekking over the Dzhiptyk Pass (4,175 m). There is a view of the Alai Valley and the majestic Pamir from the pass. In good weather, you can see such seventhousanders as Lenin Peak, Communism and Korzhenevskaya peaks, as well as Peak Kurumda. Descent to the Alai Valley. Accommodation in the camp, which is located near Sary Mogol village.


Transfer to the Achik-Tash base camp, located under Lenin Peak at 3,600 meters at the edelweiss meadow. Accommodation, recreation. Overnight in tents.


Hiking day. Hiking on to the shoulder of Peak Petrovsky, descent to the camp. Overnight in tents.


Excursion to the Travelers' Pass. It provides the views of the Lenin Glacier and Lenin Summit (7,134 m). If desired, you can hike to Camp 1, located on the moraine, at an altitude of 4,200 meters. Return to the base camp. Overnight in tents.


Transfer to Osh. After breakfast you can enjoy amazing views of Lenin glaciers, then have lunch and then transfer to Osh (300 km, about 4-5 hours). Upon arrival, accommodation in the guest house.


Excursion to the ancient city of Osh. Historians and archaeologists claim that Osh is 3,000 years old. This city is unique not only because of its age, but also because it is located on the Great Silk Road. Many caravans passed through the territory of Central Asia. The main trading point on their way was Osh, which formed its life and culture. For 10 centuries the Osh Bazaar has been located at the same place, in the center of the city, on the banks of the Ak-Bura River. It amazes by the diversity of its goods brought here from all over Central Asia. Not less interesting site to visit is Suleiman Too Mount, which is the holiest among others. Local Muslims believe that each ascent of the holy mountain brings them cleaning and health. Therefore, every day you can see young, old people and children climbing the mount. From the observation site you can see the entire Fergana Valley. You may feel cool before the sunset even in the hottest day. Flight to Bishkek on an evening plane or the overnight in Osh. Hotel accommodation.


End of the program. Departure home.

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Bishkek, Lineinaya str. 1a