Kaleidoscope of Kamchatka
(Horse riding trip in Kamchatka)
Kamchatka is a fabulous country, a mysterious peninsula that was once one of the most "closed" regions of the Soviet Union. Until 1990, no foreign citizen could enter this land, and even residents of Russia were required to have a special pass. Everyone who comes to Kamchatka is amazed by the beauty and grandeur of nature. The vast Pacific Ocean, majestic volcanoes born thousands of years ago, and among them the cozy and quiet Avacha Bay - the most beautiful bay in the world. Mineral springs and geysers, emerald herbs, and amazing wildflowers, mountain waterfalls, pristine transparent lakes and virgin forests, all this creates unique natural landscapes.
In Kamchatka, you can see the highest volcano in Eurasia - Klyuchevskaya Sopka; the largest brown bear in the world lives here, transparent lakes full of fish have formed here in the crater of volcanoes; here the mountains are covered with snow until mid-summer and, climbing up you can travel from summer to winter.
Kamchatka is constantly changing and all the photographs that you have ever seen will not be able to convey the real picture.
This land is little-known, unique, insanely beautiful and immense. Today it is open to everyone. When planning your trip you cannot even imagine what high feelings will overwhelm you upon arrival, you can experience the mysterious power of this amazing world, in which rivers carrying life coexist with deadly volcanoes, taiga coexist with tundra, eternal snows with hot springs and wild animals with people.
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