Elena Dudashvili shares her impressions

Winter adventures in Kyrgyzstan

Elena Dudashvili shares her impressions

Do you like winter? Mountains in winter have a special chic. Usually it is always crystal clear air, bright sun and piercing blue sky. And also natural contrast. For example, driving around Issyk-Kul in winter, you can visit two seasons at once, both summer and winter.

So, on the northern coast of Issyk-Kul, during a plentifully snowy winter, you can not get into mountain gorges, they will be completely blocked by snow. On the south side of the lake, snow may not be seen at all.

Вид на горы с озера Иссык-Куль

Mountain view from Issyk-Kul lake

What awaits guests in winter Kyrgyzstan?

1. Mountains, sun, sky and clean air.

2. Of course skiing. In Kyrgyzstan, there are about 10 ski resorts with lifts and prepared slopes. And there are about a dozen more places where you can go extreme skiing and snowboarding (Free-Ride) or go on a ski tour. Favorite places for freeriding are Suusamyr valley, Arslan-Bob village, Ala-Archa gorge, Jyrgalan and Arabel valleys.

Катание на лыжах


3. Walking in the mountains! In winter, it is especially good to walk in the mountains. First of all, it's beautiful! Secondly, it is useful to breathe fresh air! And thirdly, winter is full of surprises, along the way you can always see a beautifully frozen river or an icy waterfall, and this beauty will be completely unique in its manifestation.

4. Car travel on off-road vehicles. Perhaps the most interesting trip in winter Kyrgyzstan is a trip by car. Amazingly beautiful landscapes await you on the way. Drive on snow-covered roads; see completely white valleys from the passes; to drive into a fabulously beautiful mountain gorge and contemplate the gentle winter sunsets, this is exactly what you will have in winter auto tours.

Путешествия на автомобилях

Travel by car

5. Hot springs. There are many hot springs hidden in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Some of them are located in mountain gorges and to get to them, you have to take a little walk. But on the other hand, it will be a real exotic: only you, mountains, winter and steam from hot water with healing properties hovering over your font. There are many places on the coast of Issyk-Kul where you can spend time in hot tubs in the open air.

6. Excursions on snowmobiles. This type of activity has just begun to develop in our country, but has already fallen in love with a large number of guests and fans of extreme sports.

7. Horse riding in the mountain gorges. There are several wonderful places where you can live in comfort, and in the afternoon go on a horseback excursion to the mountains.

There are many other entertainments as well. For example, skating on the ice of the Orto-Tokoy reservoir, snowshoeing, etc.

And most importantly, in recent years, good accommodations have begun to appear, for example, now along the route Bishkek - Issyk-Kul - Karakol - Bishkek you can stay in 5 * hotels in winter and summer!

In my opinion the potential of winter tourism in Kyrgyzstan is very high.

Поездка в горы

In the mountains

Winter trips in Kyrgyzstan:

Elena Dudashvili

Elena Dudashvili

The author of travel stories in Kyrgyzstan, fully or partially built on her personal travel experience. Director of Asia Mountains

Article from the author:
Elena Dudashvili

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