Congratulations to my dear company

22 years to Asia Mountains

Congratulations to my dear company

Today Asia Mountains celebrates its birthday – we are 22 years old! It is symbolic that when the company was born, I myself was 22 years old. Such a parallel scares me a little and does not fit in my head. Frankly saying, at my 22 it was a little scary to start this project - Commercial Tourism was completely disorganized in Kyrgyzstan, there was no infrastructure, no developed tours.

View to Lenin Peak

View to Lenin Peak

Tour industry concepts and standards were absent. There was no internet, no social services, and no global networks. There was nothing that we use now to promote ourselves to the world market. But we had some very decent examples of tour companies those days: companies like Tien Shan Travel, Edelweiss Travel, ITMC Tien-Shan. At the age of 22 everything seemed easy and doable, and of course I had very cool mentors like Sasha Gubaev and Sergei Dudashvili.

  • For 22 years, hundreds of thousands of tourists have traveled with our company.
  • Dozens of guides have worked and are working with us; many remain with us throughout all these years, from the day of foundation.
  • And by right as a leader I want to say that the best managers have always worked and are working in my team, who have developed a huge number of tours and some even opened new directions and destinations, which have now become the most popular trends in Kyrgyzstan.
  • Asia Mountains team

    Asia Mountains team

    Was it difficult for us to go such a long way through? Yes, it was, but only in 2020 when the borders were completely closed and all tourism froze. But we did not allow ourselves to freeze. We did not give up and didn’t leave the market. We worked even when everything was closed and there was no hope. It was difficult to fulfill all the financial obligations to the tourists who believed us; to fulfill financial obligations in front of the office team, which also needed support.

    Елена Дудашвили

    Elena Dudashvili

    But now it's 2021, and I honestly admit that emotionally it was one of the best travel seasons. This was the season that made it clear to us - we are doing the best thing on Earth. People need us!

    Dear friends, I wish you to have great travel and opened borders! The Asia Mountains is waiting for you! More information about the company read here

    P.S. Friends, write what connects you with the Asia Mountains. It is interesting to remember what happened during these 22 years!

    Elena Dudashvili

    Elena Dudashvili

    The author of travel stories in Kyrgyzstan, fully or partially built on her personal travel experience. Director of Asia Mountains

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    Elena Dudashvili

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