Places to visit near Osh
(Trip to Kojo-Kelen, Abshir-Sai and Uzgen )
The city of Osh - the southern capital of Kyrgyzstan is 3000 years old and is remembered by guests from other countries for its Asian character. Here Uzbeks, Tajiks and Kyrgyz live in peace and adopt culture from each other which gives the city its own attractiveness and unforgettable, amazing originality. You can see and feel this city - its streets where there are almost no high-rise buildings, its noisy bazaars and climb the sacred mountain Suleiman-Too.
But that is far from all. In this program we have collected the most interesting places located near the city and which we would very much like to show you. We are sure that more than 80% of the inhabitants of Kyrgyzstan did not visit these places although they are no less beautiful and unique than for example Issyk-Kul Lake. You will have the opportunity to visit the caves, the beautiful valley of Kojo-Kelen, where amazing red rocks rise from the banks of the Dzhiptyk river, where pilgrims do bathing rituals in the sacred grotto and where tourists hike over the Dzhiptyk pass to the Alai valley and further to the base camps under Lenin peak ( 7134m). You will visit the Abshir-Sai Gorge where the sacred waterfall is located, walk through the rice market in Uzgen and be able to take beautiful photos of the Uzgen minaret and its mausoleums.
It's time to see the south in all its glory! Sign up and come with us!
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Blog «Asia Mountains»
By Guide Alexey Krivoruchko
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