
Snow Leopard Token


An addition has been made to the regulations on the “Snow Leopard” Token.

1.2.1. Climbings made along uncultivated routes by independent groups without guides are accepted for the Snow Leopard program.

1.2.2. An ascent in which an accident occurred or participants required rescue work will not be accepted for credit.

All changes and additions to the regulations on the “Snow Leopard” dated 05/31/2023 come into force on July 25, 2024.


Members of the IFSM “Snow Leopard” Tag Commission:

  • Shataev Vladimir Nikolaevich (Snow Leopard No113)
  • Totmyanin Nikolay Anatolyevich (Snow Leopard No160)
  • Suviga Vladimir Ivanovich (Quadruple Snow Leopard No125)
  • Sokolov Gleb Anatolievich (Quadruple Snow Leopard No508)
  • Laletina Elena Vladimirovna
  • Dusheyko Alexander Sergeevich (Snow Leopard No692)

  • Bars USSR

    The name “Snow Leopard” is an unofficial title among climbers. The exact name is “Conqueror of the highest mountains of the USSR” located on the territory of the former USSR.

    A token is awarded to climbers who have climbed five seven-thousanders:

  • Pobeda Peak 7439 m (Tien Shan)
  • Khan Tengri Peak 7010 m (Tien Shan)
  • Peak of Communism (Ismail Somoni) 7495 m (Pamir)
  • Lenin Peak 7134 m (Pamir)
  • Korzhenevskaya Peak 7105 m (Pamir)
  • In the new regulations on the “Snow Leopard” token dated May 31, 2023, the name “Conqueror of the highest mountains of the Pamir and Tien Shan” was adopted. Each token has its own registration number.

    Information from the site

    Evgenia Reis

    Evgenia Reis

    The author of travel stories in Kyrgyzstan, fully or partially built on her personal travel experience. Manager of Asia Mountains Company.

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