Base Camp Adventures

Holidays in Pamir Mountains

Base Camp Adventures

We invite you to visit our Base Camp in Pamir mountains. Soon we start! You will spend nights in tents, but our Base Camp has everything you need for a comfortable stay. Below we will tell you in more details.

Base Camp

The Asia Mountains Base Camp is located at an altitude of 3600m on a picturesque green meadow with small flowers. Here you can walk to a waterfall, visit mountain lakes, ride a horse and even make an easy hike to Yukhin Peak 5130m!


Adventures with comfort

The base camp of Asia Mountains is a small, homely, cozy camp, with everything necessary for living in the mountains and having a good rest.

  • The base camp has spacious barrel tents with wooden flooring and mattresses.
  • Each tent has lights and an outlet so you can charge your electronic devices.
  • The base camp area is illuminated, and there are places to relax. We have internet and wi-fi.
  • There is also a yurt-kitchen on the camp grounds, where you can sit in the evening and have some tea.
  • At the base camp, three meals a day are provided, including vegetarian, gluten-free and others upon personal request.
  • There is drinking water from a clean spring. Hot shower and comfortable toilet.
  • Adventures

    You don’t have to be a climber to visit Lenin Peak and relax in the Pamir Mountains.

    Evgenia Reis

    Evgenia Reis

    The author of travel stories in Kyrgyzstan, fully or partially built on her personal travel experience. Manager of Asia Mountains Company.

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    «Asia Mountains»
    720021, Kyrgyzstan
    Bishkek, Lineinaya str. 1a