In Issyk-Ata gorge

One day trip to the hot springs

In Issyk-Ata gorge

Hot days have come not only in terms of weather but also of the tourist season.

Kyrgyzstan opens its doors to guests. On May 30, an excursion to the Issyk-Ata gorge was conducted for tourists from the UK under the guidance of Sergey Seliverstov.

The gorge is located 85 or 65 km away from Bishkek, depending on the road. Its name is translated as ‘hot spring’. There is the reason. Here hot mineral springs rich in calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulphates, chlorides and other elements burst from the ground. The gorge is very popular due to the resort (1,860 meters above sea level), built in 1957, waterfalls and the image of the Buddha-healer.

Despite the fact that the temperature was over 30 degrees, our tourists hiked to the first waterfall and then a little further along the gorge.

>У Иссык-Атинского водопада

Our guests took the opportunity of bathing in the mineral spring after the hiking.

We got the following feedback:

It was fantastic and our guide was absolutely brilliant. It was hot but we had a great time and the area was beautiful. We hope to be back again, thank you for all of your help.

>Отзыв о поездке в Иссык-Ату

Elena Dudashvili

Elena Dudashvili

The author of travel stories in Kyrgyzstan, fully or partially built on her personal travel experience. Director of Asia Mountains

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Elena Dudashvili

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