23 years of your unforgettable adventures

Asia Mountains Company is 23 years old!

23 years of your unforgettable adventures

23 years to Asia Mountains company! Thank you dear friends for your king words. We are proud of our team. Guides, hotel workers, drivers, a team of base camps under Lenin Peak and managers. Many of these people have been working with us from the very beginning.

The Asia Mountains team at the Asia Mountains Hotel

The Asia Mountains team at the Asia Mountains Hotel

Dear colleagues, partners, tourists, thank you for choosing us and trusting us with your trips around Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia.

Our team in Kegety gorge

Our team in Kegety gorge

Tours you can go on with the Mountains of Asia:

  • Mountaineering
  • Hiking
  • Ski touring and heliskiing
  • Bicycle and Moto tours
  • Horseback routes
  • Thematic expeditions (Geology, Speleology, Ornithology)
  • Cultural and ethnographic programs
  • Travels along the Great Silk Road
  • Art tours (drawing and traveling)
  • Self-driving Tours

  • Look all programs and join us!

    Elena Dudashvili

    Elena Dudashvili

    The author of travel stories in Kyrgyzstan, fully or partially built on her personal travel experience. Director of Asia Mountains

    Article from the author:
    Elena Dudashvili

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    «Asia Mountains»
    720021, Kyrgyzstan
    Bishkek, Lineinaya str. 1a