Spring is a perfect time to see Aigul flower in bloom
Aigul – Moon flower
Spring has already come to Kyrgyzstan and very soon endemic flowers will delight with bright colors. One of the rarest flowers in Kyrgyzstan is the Aigul flower, which grows in Batken region.
It starts blooming only in April. The flower is so rare and protected by the government. It is in a Red Book. It is an endemic plant that grows in Kyrgyzstan and Turkestan ridge. The original name of the flower is Fritillaria eduardii Regel. But local people call it Aigul – Moon flower.
When it starts blooming people organize a holiday of Aigul flower. They go to Aigul mountain to see blooming and make pictures. The flower grows on northern slopes in shade. It is rather high - about 1 m height. Each year on the stem appears one bud. It is possible to say how old is the plant. Local people said that they had already seen 30 flowers on one stem!
There are so many legends about this fantastic flower. Local people have told us one of the beautiful legends of two loving hearts.
Long ago in a faraway village, there lived a family and a young mother gave birth to wonderfull girl. She was so beautiful with a moon white face. Her mother gave her name - Aigul that means Moon Flower. The girl was growing up and delighted her parents and neighbors with her talents and beauty. Finally, it came time for her to get married. Many young men tried to conquer the heart of a beautiful girl. Some of them tried to do it by courage, some by gifts. She chose a guy from a local family. His name was Kozu Ulan. He was well known for his love for his homeland and fearlessness. He gave the decree to prepare for the wedding celebration but he had to join brave worriers to fight against enemies.
A brave worrier Kozy Ulan didn’t come back from the war. Beautiful Aigul got very sad news about his death. He was buried at the foot of a high mountain. Aigul could not stand it and rushed down from the neighboring mountain (later it was called Aigul mountain). Blood drops became bright flowers that local people called Aigul. And the nearest mountain got the name of Kozy Ulan. Today both mountains and flowers are symbols of pure love.
You can see the flowering of Aigul only in April. If you managed to see this rare flower on one of your trips to Kyrgyzstan, then you are certainly lucky!
Three-days trip "Blossoming Aigul Flower"